MADE is a collective of citizens celebrating the local, the authentic, and the unique. We are creatives featuring other creatives and the engaging work being produced in our city. We call attention to all fields forging new pathways in expression and innovation. We are makers who love to eat, talk, collaborate, question, party, and laugh, and we want you to take part. Thanks for reading this and supporting the artists, craftsmen, creatives, and active citizens that make a city thrive.

Publisher: MADE Paper is published by Matter

Managing Editors: Brent Rosen, Harvi Sahota, Caroline Rosen, Anna Lowder

Creative Director: Harvi Sahota 

Art Direction & Design: Matter

Section Editors: Makers - Tiffany Bell, Drink - Will Abner, Style - Chandler Hines, Music - Brian Carroll

Contributing Writers:
Brent Rosen, Caroline Nabors Rosen, Anna Lowder, Tiffany Bell, Will Abner, Sam Wootten, Brian Carroll, Melissa Tsai, Tom Jean, Evans Bailey, Jennifer Kornegay, Tina Hofer Medico, Josh Carples, Will Steineker, Robert Wool, Katie Vega, Mark Bowen, Katie Lindgren, Caroline Taylor, Chandler Hines, Devin Yates, Nick Hines

Contributing Photographers:
Harvi Sahota, Grace Photography, Josh Moates, Jonathon Kohn, Luke Lindgren, Thomas Lucas

Additional Contributors:
Jay Wilkins, Alex Lazzari

Advertising Sales: Devin Yates

Made is a free newspaper published monthly.
Modern design, authentic voices, smart articles and curated events.

Contents © 2014 Made Paper, Matter LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part by any means, including electronic retrieval systems, without the publisher's express written approval is prohibited. The publication is free, limit two per reader. Removal of more than two papers from any distribution point constitutes theft. Violators are subject to prosecution under city ordinances.

Disclaimer: Made publishes news and commentary, critique and reporting, offering different views from our community. Our contributors offer a variety of views and perspectives on subjects covered in Made. These views and opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Due to the nature of creative industries and the connections we foster with those around us, contributors may have some personal or professional connection with people, events, or organizations covered in the publication or website. All letters and emails sent to Made will be treated as intended for publication unless otherwise noted by the author. Letters and emails may be edited for space and content.