William Eggleston, Troubled Waters
September 4 - 30, 2014
Curated by New York-based Y&S, South Specific brings together the work of eight emerging artists. Hailing from the American North, West and South, each of the artists’ explorations of material and process ultimately results in works that supersede their own components to speak in the conceptual language driving contemporary art practice today.
Featuring the work of some of the most of-the-moment (read: collectible) artists in the US, this show is a don’t miss as it brings artists never before shown in Montgomery .Featured artists include: Dean Levin (b. 1988, South Africa/Los Angeles), New Orleans-based Julian Wellisz, Evn Robarts’ (b. Miami, FL), Henry Levy, a Los Angeles based artist, and three of the eight artists on the Still House Group’s permanent roster - Isaac Brest, Jack Greer and Dylan Lynch who work in the group’s shared Red Hook, Brooklyn studio.
Y&S is a New York City based non-profit dedicated to the support of emerging and unrepresented artists. Founded and driven by a group of art enthusiasts, Y&S strives to give young artists a platform on which an ever-broadening audience celebrates the works of their own generation. Y&S creates a bridge between young artists and a young audience, through group shows, lectures, studio visits and publications.
Visit www.youngandstarving.com
Triumph & Disaster Gallery is located at the Courtyard of The A&P in Old Cloverdale. Follow it @triumphdisastergallery and visit www.triumphdisastergallery.com
October 9 - 31, 2014
Featuring William Christenberry, William Eggleston, William Greiner, and Birney Imes, this exhibition brings together four photographers, native to the South, who pioneered and mastered the use of color photography as a fine art. Commonplace presents the rare opportunity to view in public internationally acclaimed works in the landscape from which they were made.
Triumph & Disaster Gallery is located at the Courtyard of The A&P in Old Cloverdale. Follow it @triumphdisastergallery and visit www.triumphdisastergallery.com
New Alabama Art: Native Daughter, Native Son
September 11 - October 3, 2014
Presenting new work by Margo Russell and Michael Vaughn Sims, Stonehenge Gallery is hosting a reception on September 11 at 5:30pm. Margo Russell received the Emily B. Gassenheimer Award for “Woods Behind the Fort” at the 2011 Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition. She received she BFA from the University of Alabama and her MS in Art Education from Florida State University.
Michael Vaughn Sims is the recipient of an Artist Fellowship in Visual Arts, awarded by the Alabama State Council on the Arts for 2014-2015. He received his BFA in Theatre from Auburn in 1989 and his MFA from Yale School of Drama in 1992. After sixteen years in New York as a theatrical designer, he returned to Lowndes County in 2008 to pursue a career as an independent fine artist.
Stonehenge Gallery is located at 1041 East Fairview Ave. Call 334 262 8256 for more details.